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Seth Rogen Discusses Pain Found in Mother-in-Law’s Alzheimer’s Diagnosis: Why Can’t We Find a Cure?!

His new movie “The Interview” is slated to hit theaters on Christmas Day and Seth Rogen is a happy and blessed man these days. In his January 2015 interview with Glamour magazine, the “Neighbors” hunk shared how he proposed to his wife Lauren Miller back in 2010.

“We moved in together after a year, basically, and in 2010 I proposed to Lauren when she was changing in our closet. I had more elaborate plans, but once I got the ring, I felt like I had a nuke hidden in my garage, and I had to unload it. She was not entirely clothed at the time. I got down on one knee, and she said yes, and then we ate buffalo wings and watched Top Chef. It was a great night. We got married in 2011.”

Sadly, Lauren’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, and Rogen stepped in as an emotional support. “The first few times I met her mother, I definitely got a sense of who she was, but not the full effect. A few years into our relationship Lauren’s mother was officially diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s.”

“For some, a diagnosis can be a relief—you know what you’re dealing with. But when we got the diagnosis, it made things harder. We couldn’t hope that it was not Alzheimer’s anymore. Adele had been a teacher for 35 years and had to stop working. Her condition continued to deteriorate. I would go to visit their place, and she wouldn’t say much. She’d just wipe up in the kitchen for a long time, and they didn’t have that big a kitchen. She was getting lost in busy physical repetition, a common symptom, and it was more obvious something was off.”

And in addition to starting a charity, Seth also spoke to Congress about Alzheimer’s funding- “I was invited to speak to members of the Senate. Lauren was proud of me, but no one—only two senators—attended the subcommittee meeting. And I’m a famous person, so I can’t imagine how few people would have shown up if I weren’t there! I believe the biggest obstacle from where we are now to the disease being cured is the government not taking a more active approach to finding a cure. Alzheimer’s is the number-six cause of death in the U.S.; of the top 10 leading causes of death, Alzheimer’s is the least funded and the only one with no treatment whatsoever. I’ve had scientists tell me that their students—researchers who could maybe cure Alzheimer’s someday—do not feel inspired to go into that field because of how underfunded it is.”

“The truth is Alzheimer’s will ultimately kill Lauren’s mother. It will take a long time, and things will slowly get worse and worse and worse, until it happens. And in our morbid moments, we know that Lauren could get this disease—it runs in her family. It’s not something we talk about a lot, but it’s something that’s definitely out there. That scares me, but we remain hopeful it won’t happen. And it doesn’t have to. Doctors think Alzheimer’s is curable. I mean, they’ve prevented polio. There are a lot of smart people out there curing sh*t. Why not Alzheimer’s next?”

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