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Pregnant Carrie Underwood Tells Jimmy Fallon: My Parents Were Pretty Tame About Baby News

She’s well on her way to becoming a mother and Carrie Underwood can’t wait to give birth to her baby boy. During her interview on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” the “Blown Away” singer confessed that she always has to sing properly because her bun-in-the-oven is listening.

“I feel like he kind of feels… he hears me singing whether he would like that or not. I mean, that's what I do, he doesn't have a choice. I do feel like I have to sing good all the time. Like, if I'm just in my car driving, I feel like I have to make it good because he's listening. He's always in there."

Unfortunately, Carrie’s husband Mike Fisher isn’t hip to her material- "It's always surprising. He doesn't actually know the real lyrics to any song, except for like, 'Whoomp! (There It Is)' will come on the radio and he knows every word to that. Yet, I'll ask him what my current single is and he sings all the wrong words. He has no clue."

Underwood also noted that her parents didn’t really get overly excited when she told them she was expecting. "I have lots of nieces and nephews so my parents were obviously very happy, but they've heard it all before. They have great grandchildren. I'm slow. Mike's mom shed a few tears… She was that kind of happy."

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