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Bobbi Kristina Brown: Quit Scrutinizing My Weight!

She’s never enjoyed a friendly relationship with the public, so it’s no wonder Bobbi Kristina Brown is lashing out at naysayers on social media… again!

The drama magnet daughter of the late Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown shared a bikini photo via Twitter and shortly thereafter began collecting negative comments regarding her super-thin frame.

Bobbi fired back, “I am my mother’s child ! Have you ever heard of a #fastmetabolism ? Damn, lol it's incredible how the world will judge you 4ANY&EVERYthing.”

Meanwhile, Brown’s husband/unofficially adopted brother Nick Gordon came to his wife’s defense, tweeting, “Working out Eating right and loving life is how my women keeps her body nobody cares that you are concerned what important is she is comfy.”

Gordon added, “My baby is perfect the way she is... MADD cuz your b**** is a 400 pounder.”

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