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Katie Holmes Ditches Makeup for More Magazine February 2016 Cover

As fascinating as she is fashionable, Katie Holmes is featured on the front page of the February 2016 issue of More magazine.

The darling “Dawson’s Creek” dame wears minimal makeup in her photo spread while discussing her perfect pack of peers- "I like to be around people who make me learn something. I gravitate toward people who are doing things I don't know how to do. [Being intimidated] is a waste of time. Just ask if you don't know something. Ask. You're probably going to make a mistake. Get over it … Some problems are never going to be solved. So dance them off, and you'll feel better."

As for her experience directing herself in “All We Had,” Katie gushes, "[It] was like a marathon, but I didn't have time to second-guess myself. And it wasn't going to do anyone any good if I did. I stay calm. 'Oh, we only have one camera today? I thought we had two. OK, adjust.' It's similar to, 'We have no food at home, and you have to eat something soon. I have crackers in the bottom of my purse—that'll buy me 20 minutes.' Ha! You keep going, no matter what.'"

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