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Lea Michele Refuses to Scream on “Scream Queens”

Never one to skimp on a work out, and Lea Michele shows off the fruits of her labor in the November 2015 issue of Women's Health.

Inside the issue the "Glee" gal discusses her fitness routine, "I go back and forth between hiking and hot yoga. 'Hot yoga is my absolute favorite. I started in New York doing Bikram yoga with Jonathan Groff and now I love the studios out here and I do it all the time. I’m really obsessed."

Highlights from Lea's interview are as follows:

On Why She Loves Journaling...
"Journaling for me was always a place where I could write down what I wanted and never be embarassed. ... I would write things down that I was always embarrased to say to people because I was told so often growing up that I wasn't pretty enough or there wasn't a place for me in television and that I was too ethnic. But I would still write down that I was going to get a TV show and that I was going to make an album, and despite what everyone was telling me outside that private time, I wrote it down. And really, I made it happen."

On Never Screaming on Scream Queens...
"I refuse to scream on the show. ... Ryan Murphy [the director of Scream Queens] got me in a booth one day, and I said, 'I am screaming twice, and you're going to have to use it the entire season.' I'm a singer!"

On What Keeps Her Balanced...
"I just live a very active life, and no matter what, if can just go for a nice hike or if I can have a little glass of wine and eat good food, that's always my best medicine."

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