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Ariana Grande Swears Like a Sailor in VOnline Interview

She's already a mega pop star at the age of 22, and now Ariana Grande is set to make her return to television in FOX's new fall show, "Scream Queens".

The "Love Me Harder" hottie sits down with director, Ryan Murphy in a new interview for V Online.

In the Q&A session, Miss Grande spills about her new album, Moonlight, and her coping with split from Big Sean.

On set, you and I were talking about your new album and you were playing me tracks. Tell me about the Moonlight experience.

Well, Moonlight is very honest and very special to me. I feel like this is the most personal music I’ve made, by far. I’m very proud of it and I’m very excited. It’s scary…it’s vulnerable and kind of terrifying.

From what I remember, it sounds very romantic and adult. It felt like a real leap forward in your artistic life, like you’re becoming more of a woman. Do you feel that about the album?

Yeah I actually do feel that way. I’m really glad that’s what you took away from it. I’ve been feeling a lot more empowered, and grown up, and independent. I think that’s part of the reason I didn’t want to make a pissed-off break-up song. I was not focused on that. Everything is nice and great right now…why would I write about some bullshit? I’d rather write about some really lovely things that are going on.

Well, everybody at this point knows that you’ve gone through a high-profile breakup this year. Some of the stuff you’ve been going through in your personal life, have you written songs about it? Any cathartic power anthems?

You know, people found out quite a while after it actually happened. By the time I was writing the new album, I had kind of moved on. It’s not going to be captured on the album too much. I’m in a happy place. There aren’t any breakup anthems because I had moved on. I was like, alright. Well, f*@k it.

What would you tell a young woman of your age, very succinctly, if they go through a breakup, what’s the best thing to do to get over it?

I have no breakup advice. Good luck!

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