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Shailene Woodley: “I’ve Eaten Ants and That Was Great!”

Her tastes have always been her own, and Shailene Woodley told NYLON magazine that soon many people will be eating insects just like she does.

The “Insurgent” stunner declared, "I’ve eaten ants and that was great. And June bugs, that was great. I think the future of food is in insects, so we’ll see what happens."

Additionally, Woodley is calling all humans to take better care of Mother Earth. "Everyone could and should do a lot for the planet. I think you should find one small thing that works for you and dedicate and commit to that one thing every single day. When you leave the house just unplug your toaster, coffee machine, your TV, which doesn’t need to be on all day. Don’t ask for a straw in a restaurant. Make it a goal not to drink out of plastic as much as possible. Turn the shower off when you're washing your body and don’t waste the water. There are a lot of small things out there, you just find the one that works for you."

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