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Adolf the dog is the cutest thing to ever look like Hitler

Of all the dictators, leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler probably has the most distinctive look with that snappy mustache and gelled down hair. But seeing as though he's a worldwide symbol of hate and caused the death of millions across the world, he's probably not someone you want to bear a passing resemblance for.

So spare a thought for this little chappy, who ha actually been renamed Adolf by his owner after the noticed the resemblance. The Chihuahua puppy was born in South Wales and when it's owner noticed it's Hitler-esque appearance decided to give it the moniker Adolf.

Adolf isn't the first dog, or animal to be passed off as a lookalike for the dictator. There's even an entire website dedicated to it called, but we have to say he looks the most forlorn.

Dog that looks like Adolf Hitler

It's pretty strange to think the dog is cute and looks like Hitler at the same time. Of all the adjectives we'd used to describe the dictator it was never 'cute' or 'adorable'.

Animals that look like Hitler is pretty popular though, check out these Adolf cats.

Then there's this one, who probably would look evil even if he didn't have that creepy moustache.


Then of course there are the members of the public who either style themselves on the leader, or just accidentally look like him.

We've got this guy, who we hope is on his way to a fancy dress party.


This unlikely image with a Hitler lookalike sitting down with Santa.


This hipster, who just got too trendy with his mustache


These knees which are creepily similar to the Austrian.


This cup, which seems no threatening until you notice the tache


Then there's this man, who just can't seem to stop accidentally looking like Hitler.


This wasn't exactly his fault though, the BBC had an error.


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