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Parks And Rec’s Aziz Ansari Joins JK Rowling In Ripping Stupid Rupert Murdoch Tweet

Parks and Recreation star Aziz Ansari has brilliantly taken aim at Rupert Murdoch over his spectacularly awful tweet about the Charlie Hebdo tragedy in Paris.

Murdoch had tweeted following the attack that left 12 dead: “Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible.” What?

Joining in with the general Twitter ridicule of the terrible post, Ansari sent a parade of tweets including: “Rups can we get a step by step guide? How can my 60 year old parents in NC help destroy terrorist groups? Plz advise.” and "Are you responsible for the evil shit all Christians do or just the insane amount of evil you yourself contribute to?”

(Photo: WENN)

Summing the whole thing up, he said: “you're a vaguely evil media conglomerate guy and THEN you're ALSO racist? FOR REAL?! You're an evil overachiever!” Taking it up a notch, he snowballed: “.@rupertmurdoch is Christian just like Mark David Chapman who shot John Lennon. Why didn't Rupert stop it? #RupertsFault”, and “.@rupertmurdoch is responsible for all pedophilia committed by anyone Catholic. @rupertmurdoch why are you pro-pedophile :(”.

(Photo: WENN)

JK Rowling had also slammed the media mogul, posting to a news article on his tweets and adding: “I was born Christian. If that makes Rupert Murdoch my responsibility, I'll auto-excommunicate.” She dryly added: "The Spanish Inquisition was my fault, as is all Christian fundamentalist violence. Oh, and Jim Bakker”.

Your move, Murdoch.

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