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Iggy Azalea Wins Injunction Against Thieving Ex Boyfriend To Stop Releasing Unfinished Music

Iggy Azalea has shown her ex boyfriend just who's boss by slapping him with an injunction that prevents him from releasing her unfinished, and in her own words, “inferior” music. In the on going court battle between the Fancy chart-topper and the producer Hefe Wine, or real name Maurice Williams, the Aussie star has claimed a small victory as he continues to make cash from the music, which she says he stole from her laptop.

Following her massive worldwide success in the wake of the phenomenon that was the summer of 2014's biggest smash Fancy, Wine released an unauthorised mixtape titled Inizio, behind her back. Of course, as one of the biggest stars on the planet right now, interest surrounding the tape was astronomical but seriously unwanted by the rapper.

The 24-year-old's ex is disputing the allegations but according to TMZ he has officially been banned from releasing any music featuring Iggy, by a judge, at least while the case is still being resolved. The site has got hold of legal documents which show that the judge listened to the tapes before issuing the preliminary injunction which bans him from conducting any similar activities during the case. Basically he just needs to stay well away from any material featuring his superstar ex girlfriend at all costs.

Iggy Azalea wins injunction against ex boyfriend (WENN)

“Iggy argued the quality of the recordings was so "inferior," it's obvious she didn't intend for them to go public,” say TMZ.

Thankfully these days, Iggy's happily settled down with her NBA player boyfriend Nick Young, with whom she shares a Los Angeles home, but last year she was stunned to hear Hefe had filed court documents stating that he and Iggy were married! According to the documents, a man and woman can legally be considered married if they have shared a home for any period of time and have agreed to wed. Hefe has accused the hitmaker of agreeing to marry him back in 2008, which Iggy has unsurprisingly denied.

But onwards and upwards as they say. Iggy revealed that she's just starting work on the follow-up to last year's The New Classic which debuted at number five on the Official UK Album Chart and number three over on the US Billboard Top 200. On January 2 she revealed: “I'm back to work on my second album next week. Anxious to get going on it. The excited kind of anxious," to her 3.87 million Twitter followers.

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