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Has Miley Cyrus Taken It Too Far? Singer Uploads Image Of Female Masturbating To Instagram

Miley Cyrus has been on something of an attention grabbing spree in recent days. First she stripped totally naked in a load of polaroid snaps she gave to V Magazine, then she stepped out very obviously without a bra on yet again. But this latest move has to raise the question, when is a bit much just too much?

Miley is just 22-years-old and has already transformed herself from her Hannah Montana home girl image to a raunchy, outspoken and sassy young woman in the past couple of years. We've all see her twerking on Robin Thicke, smoking suspicious looking roll ups and hashtagging #FreeTheNipple whilst baring pretty much every inch of her body.

But there comes a point when even the most awestruck follower of her outlandish moves might just feel a little too satiated by the sight of her boobs/bum/tongue whatever else she pulls out of the bag and regardless of all the denials any slightly badly behaved pop star may issue about not asking to be a role model, there are some things which should just remain private.

Good fun or just plain needless? Miley's latest shock value Instagram post (MILEY CYRUS/INSTAGRAM)

Earlier today Miley posted an image to her Instagram account of a female figure with their hands inserted down their denim shorts - seemingly indulging in a sexual act. She captioned the image: "A masturbate a day keeps the haters away." Now we don't know about you but this kind of produced the cringey feeling you get when someone runs their fingernails down a blackboard, or you hear metal scraping against metal... you get the picture.
It just seems like a classic case of overshare aimed at getting a shocked response from her followers and also a step too far. Nobody really wants to know if Miley enjoys touching herself up on a daily basis do they? And even if they do it's probably just something she shouldn't reveal. Sorry Miley.

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