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“Unbroken,” “Into the Woods” & “The Gambler”: Christmas Day Box Office Cheer!

Once the food is eaten and the presents are opened, many families head off to the movie theater to catch a Christmas Day flick. And this year, Angelina Jolie’s “Unbroken” is the undisputed top dog, with earnings in the low-to-mid teens ($13-$15 million) on Thursday (December 25).

Just behind the Louis Zamperini flick is “Into The Woods,” starring Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, Anna Kendrick and Johnny Depp, with approximately $10 million in ticket sales.

Mark Wahlberg’s “The Gambler” nabbed between $3 and $4 million and James Franco and Seth Rogen’s “The Interview” is expected to collect $2 million between limited theaters and VOD for the weekend.

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