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Emma Watson Scores Feminist Celebrity of 2014 By ForWomen.Org

She’s certainly created quite a stir with her #HeForShe campaign and now Emma Watson has been named the Feminist Celebrity of the Year.

The “Harry Potter” starlet kicked off her social change platform back in September when she gave a stunning speech about women’s equality, and ever since she’s been leading the charge. President and CEO Teresa Younger told press, “We celebrate all feminists every day, but today we’re giving a hat tip to celebrities who are helping to promote women’s equality.”

“Every celebrity on the list has either embraced the term ‘feminist,’ spoken out for women’s equal rights or battled against sexist oppression.”’s Feminist Celebrity Top 10 List is:

1. Emma Watson
2. Laverne Cox
3. Rachel Maddow
4. Beyoncé
5. Cher
6. Amy Poehler
7. Tina Fey
8. Meryl Streep
9. Mindy Kaling
10. Ann Curry

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