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Bianca Miller Vs Mark Wright: Who Should Win The Apprentice 2014?

In two days time, we will find out whether Bianca Miller or Mark Wright have won The Apprentice. It's been a tough eleven weeks with both candidates managing to dodge Lord Sugar pointing his finger at them and showing them the door, but who do you think should become Lord Sugar's next business partner with the all important £250,000 investment?

As we prepare for Sunday's final (BBC One at 9pm), let's take a look at Mark and Bianca's time on the show.

Bianca Miller, 25

Bianca hit the ground running with her success on the show as she managed to stay out of the boardroom for the first two weeks. And as Roisin and Mark started to spark viewers interest about possibly winning the show, Bianca kept her head down and worked hard, which resulted in her being in the winning team eight times out of the ten tasks. A highlight for Bianca, though was when she led Team Summit to victory even when she was leading the task from New York. The task was to produce a soft drink to the American market and that's when the 25 year-old came up with the title, 'Big Dawg' for their drink. However, it wasn't all plain sailing for Bianca as a slip of the tongue meant that she once gave exclusivity to a WHOLE borough instead of a postcode. For those who need reminding, she offered a small shop six units of the team's product in the boardgame task, and exclusivity in the borough of Westminster! It also appears that Bianca got herself a few enemies, in the form of Sanjay Sood Smith and Solomon Akhtar who branded her "boring".

Solomon thought Bianca was boring (BBC)

Baffled as to why Sanjay disliked her, Bianca told EntertainmentWise: "Sanjay didn't like me and I didn't realise that it was a one man crusade. It was like a vendetta". Calling out Solomon, Bianca added: "Unfortunately, I think when someone uses the words 'too serious' or 'boring', I think that's quite sad because we're both [her and Mark] very professional. We've come into this because it's a business show to show ourselves as potential business people and candidates for Lord Sugar's business partner. I think it's unfair to call us boring because we had our business heads on in a business show. It doesn't tally really to the reason why you're there. We're not there to be reality TV stars, we're there to start a business."

Despite keeping her professional head on, Bianca has also shown her emotion on the show when she got tearful during the interview process. Having been quizzed by Claudine Collins about her personality, she later broke down in tears during her interview with Ricky Martin. However, looking back on it, Bianca thought it was unfair for Claudine to challenge her on her personality. She told us: "I don't actively like crying on television so it's a bit embarrassing. But at the time it was just a whole day of interviews and you see a very small subset of them...So by the time I got to the third interview with Claudine, and she started picking at my personality, it was so hard to take because actually, I was ready to talk about my business plan.

"I was ready to get that picked apart, I knew it was a very good plan so I was prepared. I wasn't prepared for what I felt was a bit of an attack on me as a person. I don't think being a professional is a bad thing. I didn't understand where this critique of 'you're really professional, what are you hiding?' was coming from actually. That for me is a scary concept because being professional in a business show is what you should be."

Bianca shed some tears during the interview process (BBC)

However, what matters at the end of the day is Bianca's business plan and that was where she shone when she announced that she wanted to start producing tights that could match different skin tones. During the interview process, some of Lord Sugar's advisors even agreed that there was a gap in the market. But does Bianca have what it takes to go all the way?

Mark Wright, 25

Mark was one who wanted everyone to know who he was and that he was serious competition, and boy did he do that. However, it may have not been for the right reasons as he found himself in the losing team for the first three weeks of the process. But it wasn't until week seven (when he was project manager for the task in New York) that he found himself at risk of being fired and in week ten when Katie brought him back into the boardroom when they failed the premium pudding task.

Mark found himself in the losing team a few times (BBC)

Although, there are two things - away from his business savvy- that made Mark stand out and that was his fights with Daniel and his sneaky tactics. Mark and Daniel clashed way too many times than we can remember but the major falling out came at the country show task when Mark - sneakily - got Felipe to let him sell the hot tubs that Daniel had secured earlier on. There was shouting, insults and a lot of huffing from Daniel as he couldn't believe what Mark had done to him. But despite their squabbles, Mark had some pretty nice things to say about Daniel when we spoke to him. "He was a very different guy that was there in task one to the one who left in the last episode in the semi finals and I think he did grow and it was valuable to have him there."

And we have to hand it to Mark because he also declared that he wasn't sorry for being sneaky at times during the competition, because he was simply doing what he had to do to get ahead. Referring to the country show task, he said: "Absolutely not. I wouldn't call it sneaky... Had I said, 'Oh Felipe, you're a really nice guy I'll take it on the chin and sell these hat cap things that I picked', if I did that and we lost that task, then Lord Sugar would have said: 'Well mate you picked terrible hats and you hardly sold any, I'll catch you later.' I'm not going to run that risk, I'll do what it takes to put myself in the driving seat all the time. I had to be in the best position to walk back into the boardroom."

Mark insists that he didn't know the full extent of Felipe's skeleton plan (BBC)

Mark even defended himself over skeleton-gate which saw Felipe's bright idea of bringing in a fold up skeleton instead of a proper anatomical one, into the boardroom. Insisting that he didn't know about what Felipe did, Mark told us: "Honest to God, I didn't know about it. I think if you watch the episode as carefully as I did, you can see I questioned the cost and said I hope they got the right one. Felipe assured us a thousand and ten times that it was the right one. Now my theory at the time was Felipe has gone out on the ledge here, if he's right, we win and if it's wrong, he goes and then it happened. So from a tactical perspective it was fine and I let it play out."

So he proved to be a bit of a player in the boardroom but his business plan - to launch an advanced digital marketing company - also stood out to the advisors.

We'll have to wait until Sunday for Lord Sugar's decision, but we want to know, who do you think should win The Apprentice 2014? Vote now!

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