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Angelina Jolie is Cautious About Showing Her Children “Unbroken”

Fans are eager to see her latest film “Unbroken” when it hits theaters on Christmas Day, and Angelina Jolie is still thinking through whether all of her kids are ready for a viewing.

The “Gone in 60 Seconds” starlet told E! News, "It's PG-13. My boys—one is 13, one is 11 but he's a mature 11—will see it, but I think I might actually show my younger children."

As for the younger ones, "I think they could handle it because they understand film. They know the difference of what is real and what isn't, because it's heavy for [kids] under 13. But they all knew Louis [Zamperini]. They want to see it because it's Louis."

Previously, Angelina gushed over her relationship with Zamparini- "He was like a father and grandfather to me. I hope [the movie] gave him peace to know that he could pass away knowing that his message was strong, knowing that his life was long and full."

As for her toughest critic, Jolie declared, "My Maddox, the oldest. It's his job. He's a teenager."

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