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Amanda Bynes: Eyeing a Psych Degree From USC?!

She hasn’t exactly knocked ‘em dead at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising and now Amanda Bynes is thinking about transferring schools.

After a recent trip to the University of Southern California, the “Hairspray” hottie seems eager to pursue a degree in psychology.

An insider told press, "She was on a tour, came in and she was just looking around the cafeteria. She was on a cart tour. She was dressed super casually, but she had her big sunglasses on.”

"She was with just a tour guide and an assistant-type of person. I could tell she was really low key about it all. It was hard to tell if she was happy/excited to be there because of the sunglasses, she was covering the side of her face at a point but nothing too dramatic."

Afterwards, Amanda took to her Twitter account to share her enthusiasm- “I took a USC campus tour yesterday it was sick! I plan on transferring from FIDM. The campus is sick!”

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