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Major Game Of Thrones News Announced

A Game Of Thrones movie could be on its way as Charles Dance, who plays Tywin Lannister in the hit HBO series, has revealed that there have “talks" about plans to turn the show into a feature length film.

The fantasy show, which is currently awaiting its fifth season premiere, is an adaptation of the popular books written by George R R Martin and with so much material to get through, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the production team are keen to bring it to cinemas. Charles, 70, told the Daily Beast: "There's talk of eventually trying to do a feature film but I don't know which of the story lines. There's so much to cram into the film.”

Even Tyrion's flabbergasted (HBO)

For those wondering how flimsy the plans are, author Martin seems to be on board with the project too as he hinted at the plans back in March, suggesting that a film could be made once the TV series is finished, to bring together the grand finale. Martin said according to Den of Geek: "It all depends on how long the main series runs. Do we run for seven years? Do we run for eight? Do we run for ten? The books get bigger and bigger [in scope]. It might need a feature to tie things up, something with a feature budget, like $100 million for two hours. Those dragons get real big, you know.”

Sounds awesome! Although Charles doesn't know which story lines will feature in the film, it's pretty certain that his menacing character Tywin won't be making an appearance considering he was shot to death with a crossbow by his imp son Tyrion in the season four finale. Surprisingly, Tywin WILL be making a brief return in season five but don't get too excited as he won't be coming back from the dead in a silly plot twist. "Well, only my body! I don't wake up in the shower having had a dream about it all.” We won't give too much away about the nature of Tywin's reappearance, but those who have read the books will know how it plays out.

As for the film, this totally needs to happen and here are a few things we'd like to see if it serves as the actual finale:

Can Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth just kiss already:

Hopefully it'll happen sooner but the film will suffice.

Arya Stark finally avenges the death of her mother, father and brother:

We know she loves trudging through all those woods and being moody with hate but isn't it time she gets a happy ending?

Jon Snow to find love with (us) Daenerys Targaryen?

They're two of the hottest characters and we're going to pretend we don't know the potential spoiler just for argument's sake, so they can hook up!

Cersei to meet a very bloody end:

We love to hate Cersei but quite simply, she needs to die.

Ultimately? Tyrion wins the game of thrones:

Let's face it, he's the best character and Westeros would be much more of a fun place with him ruling all!

All images courtesy of HBO

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