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Jewel & Ty Murray Declare Divorce

Staying married in Hollywood is nothing short of a miracle and unfortunately Jewel and her husband Ty Murray are calling it quits.

The “Foolish Games” songstress took to her blog on Wednesday (July 2) to share the sad news with her fans.

Jewel wrote, "Dear World. It is infinitely strange to write those words, especially considering the personal nature of the topic. My husband, friend and partner of 16 years and I have decided to get a divorce."

"Ty and I have always tried to live the most authentic life possible, and we wanted our separation as husband and wife to be nothing less loving than the way we came together. For some time we have been engaged in a private and difficult, but thoughtful and tender undoing of ourselves. Allowing ourselves the time and space to redefine what we are to each other with love rather than malice.”

She continued, "We have no desire to damage ourselves and each other in the process. Who better than each other to bear witness to the heart ache of redefining our family? And who better as ally, while we learn to redraw ourselves in whatever new shape we find as separate people who are still striving to be the best versions of ourselves- as humans and as parents."

As for their 3-year-old boy Kase, "Our dedication to our son is unwavering and we are both committed to being the best partners in raising our son. Due to the spirit in which we have gone about this separation, we trust we can remain dear friends who hold each other in high esteem, which is so important to us as parents- as we wish only what is best for our son."

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