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Lily Allen in Cosmo June 2014: Kanye West Inspired Sheezus

Eight years after the release of her hit album Smile, Lily Allen is taking over the music biz with her new project Sheezus and she's talking all about it in the June 2014 issue of Cosmopolitan.

After striking a few poses for Ben Watts, the 28-year-old opened up about finding inspiration from Kanye West and the moment she wanted to be a star.

Check out highlights from Allen's interview below and for more, head over to Cosmopolitan!

On why she named her upcoming album Sheezus:
“Because Kanye West, who I’m a massive fan of, had an album called Yeezus. I respect him for many different reasons, not just his music but also as a personality. He is always open, honest, true to his word, and doesn’t give a hmm-mmm what anybody thinks. If that makes him Yeezus, then I sure as hell will be Sheezus.”

On when she knew she wanted to be a star:
“My dad’s an actor, and he took me on location once when he was shooting a film. He must have been really hungover, because his assistant came, woke him up, pulled him out of bed, gave him a cup of coffee, ran him a bath, then got him dressed and put him in a car. I was like, ‘That’s cool. I’d like to live like that.’”

On the one thing she does before bed every night:
“I can’t go to bed until I’ve ticked off everything on my list in my notes on my iPhone or until I’ve finished my flagged e-mails. There’s probably eight or nine things a day, on average. I know I can go to bed when I’ve done the last flagged thing.”

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