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Jon Stewart: Stephen Colbert is the Perfect Replacement for David Letterman

He cleared the air from rumors regarding his "Late Show" host candidacy, and now Jon Stewart gives his recommendation for David Letterman's replacement.

While chatting with Vulture on Wednesday (April 9), “The Daily Show” star shared that his pick for the late night spot is Comedy Central buddy Stephen Colbert.

“He is a uniquely talented individual,” Jon remarked. “He’s wonderful in ‘Colbert Report,’ but he’s got gears he hasn’t even shown people yet. He would be remarkable.”

He continued, “I don’t have that gear, I don’t think. I just don’t have it anymore. I really like what I do, not the Stephen doesn’t. But he has a real opportunity to broaden out in a way that I don’t.”

In regards to the character Stephen portrays, Mr. Stewart noted, “He’s done an amazing job with just that very narrow cast of character, but he’s got a lot more he can show. He’s got some skill sets that are really applicable, interviewing-wise, but also he’s a really, really good actor and also an excellent improvisational comedian.”

“He’s got great writing skills. He’s got a lot of the different capacities. Being able to expand upon [those] would be exciting,” he added.

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