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Jennifer Garner Talks “Mom-Dad Line” on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”

Taking care of some media promotion, Jennifer Garner showed up at “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” to plug her new movie “Draft Day” last night (April 9).

And when the conversation turned to the topic of life at home with husband Ben Affleck, the “Alias” hottie made sure to give an accurate portrayal of how things really are.

Jen began, "Benjamin is good, he's great. I get home Friday and he leaves that day for Batman. It's going to be awful though because he's been home now for a few months and when he's really home, he's so in dad mode and I think he's going to have a hard time."

Jimmy asked, "So he's been Mr. Mom when he's home, huh?" to which Garner replied, “Let's not overstate things. We are divided down a very mom-dad [line.] If it has to do with making food, or [doing] homework or anything that has to do with actually functioning -- sorry it's true -- that's a mom thing. And then coming in just as you're getting them to bed and picking them up by their heels and swinging them around, that's a dad thing. Anything fun, that is Ben."

As for their two-year-old son Samuel, Jennifer noted that Ben has really stepped up. "He's so psyched to finally have a little boy -- he loves his girls -- but he's serious about his son right now. So, he taught him about his bits ... he taught him about his ‘P’ and his two ‘N's.’ So now anytime we pass a dog who's walking on the street or we're at a zoo or something, our poor little son is crouching down and looking up and he's like, 'Mama, does that have a vagina or a penis with two nuts ... That's what Ben's been up to!"

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