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Shia LaBeouf Faces Possible Legal Trouble for Plagiarized Short Film

He’s always been a target for controversy, and Shia LaBeouf may have really cooked his own goose this time.

The troubled “Constantine” actor ripped off the entire story line from Daniel Clowes’ 2007 graphic novella “Justin M. Damiano” and used it for his own short film “Howard”

And while LaBeouf fully admitted to the wrongdoing (albeit accidentally) and has since apologized, Clowes’ publisher Fantagraphics says there may be legal action.

A rep from the company told press, “Daniel is exploring his legal options. LaBeouf changed the name of the main character, but he used the comic as a direct script and storyboard.”

“Clowes has a real melodramatic voice that is very idiosyncratic and LaBeouf just used the dialogue word for word. There is no ambiguity. There is no way that anybody wrote this but Dan Clowes. It just defies any kind of logic or good sense. This was so blatant and inexcusable that it was as baffling as it was appalling.”

The spokesperson added, “As far as I know the only comments [Shia] has given were those late night Twitter comments a few nights ago.”

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