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Dylan Penn Talks Robert Pattinson Rumors in GQ January 2014: It’s All Bulls***!

She been dealing with rumors about a possible relationship with "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson and now Dylan Penn is finally clearing the air about the so called "romance" in the January 2014 issue of GQ magazine.

While striking a few poses for the sultry Alexi Lubomirski-shot spread, the 22-year-old daughter of Sean Penn and Robin Wright shared her truly feelings about the rumors and revealed her favorite type of men.

Check out a few highlights from Miss Penn's interview below. For more, be sure to visit GQ!

On Rob:
"That's been very foreign to me. But actually kind of funny, because it's all bulls***."

On winning her over:
"What's the best thing for [a guy] to say to me? It has to be something funny. It has to make me laugh, one way or another. It can be crude, it can be light-hearted, it doesn't matter. It just has to be funny."

On her favorite pickup line:
"The best pickup line that I've heard was probably from an R. Kelly song, 'You must be a football coach the way you got me playing the field.'"

On her way of getting to know someone:
"The best technique to learn about a guy's personality would be watching him in an emergency situation. High intensity. It has to be some kind of big deal. Watching them and how they deal with it."

On topics to discuss while on a date:
"I don't think there's anything you can't bring up [on a date]. I think everything is free for all."

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