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Amber Portwood Opens Up in First Interview Post-Prison

She was released from jail after her five-year sentence was cut to just 17 months, and now Amber Portwood is ready to break her silence.

During her interview with Dr. Phil, which is set to air Friday (December 20th), the "Teen Mom" star opens up about her life since leaving the correctional facility.

"This is actually my first time on stage sober, so I'm really nervous," 23-year-old reality star explained. "Every time you see me on that show, I am high."

The troubled mom of Leah decided to take the five-year jail sentence in 2012 following numerous stints in rehab for her prescription pills addiction.

While discussing her suicide attempting following a series of domestic violence arrests in 2011, Dr. Phil asked Miss Portwood if she was really ready to end her life at that point.

"I didn't care," Amber simply responded.

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