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Walter White’s “Breaking Bad” Underwear Rakes in $9,900 at Auction

He refused to be shackled by the odds, and wanted to leave his family with money, and with a legacy. Now Walter White's most recent posthumous transaction has done just that. The star character of the AMC hit series "Breaking Bad" just sold his underwear at auction for $9,900.

According to "Variety," the undergarments for White, worn by actor Bryan Cranston, were sold for $9,900 as part of ScreenBid's auction of used items from the AMC series, which ended on September 29th. Cranston donned the iconic pair of tighty-whities the series' pilot.

Bidding for items from the popular drama series came to a close on Wednesday, October 9th, and nearly $1 million was made. The highest-paid item was reportedly an inscribed copy of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass," which sold for $65,500.

Currently, the underwear is on display at the "Breaking Bad" exhibit at the Museum of Moving Image in Queens, New York. The prized-possession will be shipped to the winning bidder at the end of the exhibit on October 27th.

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