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Prince Harry’s Leading Lady Cressida Bonas: Not Invited to Prince George Christening

Things between Prince Harry and his girlfriend Cressida Bonas are going great these days, but the gorgeous 24-year-old didn’t receive an invite to Prince George of Cambridge's christening ceremony on Wednesday.

Given that she’s not a part of the family, Miss Bonas wasn’t even expecting to attend even though press outlets said otherwise.

An insider told People, "It was always so unlikely that she would be invited. To say she is shy and mulling it over is rubbish."

Another source close to Cressida noted, "If she went to this totally private service, it would be tantamount to saying they were about to be engaged."

The christening will be conducted by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and he’s thrilled to help Prince William and Kate Middleton raise their child in the faith.

Welby declared, "What a treat; what an amazing gift; what wonderful times that you will have. There'll be great times and tough times – there always are with children. Through Christening, you're bringing God into the middle of it all. It's an extraordinary moment, because that is the sign by which we understand that this person belongs to God."

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