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Kate Upton Works her Magic Alongside Snoop Dogg for Hot Pockets: Watch Here!

Showing there's more to love than just her modeling, Kate Upton starred alongside Snoop Lion, Bow Wow and even Larry King in a new commercial/music video for the yummy after school snack Hot Pockets.

The nearly five minute clip titled "You Got What I Eat" featured the Sports Illustrated stunner coming home after an evening out with a gal pal and joking around that "he" is "just a friend."

After eating a delicious Hot Pocket, Kate slips into a food coma where she meets up with Snoop Dogg and Bow Wow at a "Hot Pocket kitchen in the sky."

Snoop and Bow Wow begin to have a rap war between them and a butcher/Upton, dressed up in a full get out and mimics Biz Markie's "Just a Friend" music video.

Towards the end of the dream, King wakes up Kate. Watch the full clip below!

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