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Kate Bosworth Talks Wedding Day Preparation in Lucky November 2013

She shocked the world by having the most secretative wedding this year, and now Kate Bosworth is revealing her thoughts before walking down the aisle in the November 2013 issue of Lucky magazine.

During her interview with the publication, the "Big Sur" actress shared details about her wedding and the tips to handle her big day pictures.

Check out a few highlights from Miss Bosworth's interview below. For more, be sure to visit Lucky!

On her wedding day dreams:
"I had never thought about my wedding dress before I got engaged. I never thought about what I wanted for my wedding. There are some women who know exactly, from the moment they can speak. But for me I needed to find the man in order to understand the bigger picture."

On keeping the drama away:
"In general, I haven’t been the weepy bride so far. I think at the wedding itself I’ll probably have a lot more [emotion]."

On her relationship with husband Michael Polish:
"There was just one thing we asked of each other, just always to be 100 percent honest, even if it was hard."

On wedding advice from friends:
"Don't try to not cry. If you're going to cry, cry. When you try not to, it's the worst picture-face of all time."

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