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Ivanka Trump’s “Final Countdown” to Delivery

Nearly nine months pregnant, and still looking like a knock-out, Ivanka Trump gave Instagram followers a special treat, foreshadowing the birth of her next baby.

The stunning daughter of real estate giant Donald Trump shared a lovely photo of herself on Thursday (October 10), only a week shy of the due date for her second child with husband, media mogul Jared Kushner. She captioned the snapshot: "The final countdown…7 days to go!!"

In related news, Trump's busy life has hardly missed a beat, as she prepares for the release of her very own shoe line. She also set aside some time in June to speak with Us Weekly about her daughter, and the baby-to-be, saying, "Arabella isn't even 2, so she hasn't thrown me the challenges of a teenager . . . but I have a feeling I'm going to be pretty strict."

She finished by stating, "The one thing I won't tolerate is her being spoiled or bratty or having poor manners. That's one area [in which] I'll be very strict."

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