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Gary Sinise Talks Veteran Assistance Programs in Capitol File

In the midst of his busy schedule, Gary Sinise scored the cover spot of Capitol File magazine's annual Men's Issue.

During his interview with the publication, the "CSI: NY" actor chatted about the US veteran assistance system and working with veterans while directing "Tracers."

Check out a few highlights from Mr. Sinise's interview below. For more, be sure to visit Capitole File!

On wounded vets and the government:
"If you compare it to 40 years ago, it's better. But is it enough? No, never... It's a good thing there are a lot of nonprofits [serving veterans]. Where the government can't manage, citizens need to step forward."

On visiting disabled vets after "Forrest Gump":
"Three weeks after that movie opened, I was invited to visit some disabled veterans. And some of them didn't recognize me, or even know my real name. But when they realized that I had played Lt. Dan, they lit up and really opened up to me. They could related to me because[my character] had been blown up, too... Lt. Dan, the movie character, is a great message for these guys. In the end, his life doesn't crumble. He moves on, despite everything that has happened to him."

On "Tracers":
"I spent the three-week rehearsal and five weeks prior to that workshopping the screenplay by going to the VA and other war-related places, and I started to really connect [with military personnel]."

On his love for Washington DC:
"I love history and I love my country, and DC is a confluence of those passions... I go for those places you can only find in DC."

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