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A Cordial Kanye West Reveals His Reasons for Anger at the Paparazzi

Although a great deal of hype and criticism surround Kanye West, especially after his confrontation with the photog at LAX in July, the singer took a moment to chat with a small group of paparazzi today (October 11) in Calabasas, CA.

Kanye tried avoiding the photographers, but after some goading, he surprised them with a cordial attitude, and told them that there is a certain amount of respect that should always be maintained when dealing with people, even if they are celebrities.

As he fueled up his beautiful black Lambo, the 36-year-old told them that a line needs to be drawn when tempting a celebrity and trying to make him or her overreact, especially when children are involved, saying, "We’re in this together… You guys help me influence, you help with the family, you help Kim [Kardashian’s] power and everything… I would prefer that we just have a decent relationship."

Finally, Kanye gave a reasoning for his behavior back in July. He stated that the photog was not truly to blame for the source of his anger, and that he received news that his grandfather was not going to make it. The photog's antagonism was simply the last straw.

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