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The Global Fund Attracts Celebs in London

Stepping out in swanky attire to help fight disease around the world, celebs headed to Apsley House in London for The Global Fund evening on Monday (September 16).

Arriving in style, David Beckham wore a classy black suit while his fashion designer wife wore a slinky black ensemble with a plunging neckline.

Also on hand, Sienna Miller wore a black, lacy floral dress with pointy heels while Georgia May Jagger went casual in a light gray top, red leather skirt, and blue jacket.

Smiling with his wife Livia was Colin Firth, who also opted for a simple black suit and matching tie for the occasion.

According to the website, "The Global Fund galvanizes support for the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria, working with partners to support the most effective prevention and treatment."

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