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Lindsay Lohan & Matt Nordgren: Lovers No More!

She’s been making such great progress since leaving rehab, but it seems Lindsay Lohan has hit a snag in her relationship with Matt Nordgren.

According to an inside source, the “Mean Girls” starlet and her former NFL quarterback beau have called time on their romance just after getting it off the ground.

The snitch stated, "Their work schedules and the distance just make dating impossible. He really likes and respects her. He thinks she is back on top, emotionally and physically. He respects her sobriety and wishes her the absolute best. They will remain good friends."

A friend of the couple previously shared, "He's older, a successful businessman, and he has been a great friend to her. He's also a Christian and won't drink around her. He's trying to keep her sober and on the straight and narrow. He's really good for her."

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