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Lady Gaga Takes to Twitter to Defend “Applause”

She always speaks highly of her "Little Monsters," and on Wednesday (September 18) Lady Gaga took to Twitter to explain her hit song "Applause" and what it means to be a celebrity.

The eccentric songstress began her series of tweets by explaining why her first single from the upcoming album Artpop is so important to her, "'Applause' is a very meaningful song to me, because it addresses what many think of 'celebrities' today, that we ‘do it' for the attention."

She continued in a second tweet, "But some of us are 'artists' in this group called 'celebrity,' & what we create doesn't live on unless there's an audience to remember it."

Gaga also described the motivation behind her attention getting persona saying, "So I may need your attention at first, so I can sing you my song. But it's the 'Applause' after that let me know if I've entertained you."

"Entertainment makes people happy, I live for the 'Applause,' to know I've spread that. I live to hear you cheer, to just be a part of that," she said. "I believe in show business. The 'Applause' is what breeds that thing that I love. When I know I've made you happy. When I know it was good."

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