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Kanye West vs. Jimmy Kimmel Feud Continues: Latest Tweets for Yeezy!

Continuing the feud that's currently grabbing headlines, Kanye West took aim at Jimmy Kimmel once again via Twitter on Friday (September 27).

The "Yeezus" rapper blasted the late night host on the social media site, this time making sure to quote others who supported him in the fight, including fashion blogger Jibril Durimel.

"COMMENT from JIBRIL DURIMEL: 'I'm really Against what Jimmy K. did with that parody," West tweeted. "Like Kanye said - Finally someone speaks some inspirational and real words that haven't been exposed in awhile and JK comes out with this."

Kanye continues, "It's simple, mediocre dreamers think this is humorous but all Kanye is pretty much saying in the interview is to dream to be the best. 'A god'. But then he's made out to be ridiculous for wanting to be at an even higher level of self confidence. Exactly what he meant by 'SELF HATE!" I don't want to d*** ride KANYE just saying that if more people actually listened they'd grow wirse after listening to the interview.

"Jimmy K. is the EVIL guy trying to keep people in a box and not want more outof themselves. He does this by making fun of real dreamers. 'THE NEW ROCKSTARS!' No but really please think about what I'm saying," he added.

Stay tuned for more on this continuing story.

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