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Christina Aguilera Discusses “Touching” Trip to Rwanda

She recently took a trip to the war-torn nation of Rwanda, and now Christina Aguilera is revealing details about the emotional visit.

During a recent interview, the "Come On Over" hitmaker, who is also a global spokesperson of Yum! Brands World Hunger Relief effort and an Ambassador Against Hunger for the UN World Food Programme, chatted about the state of the nation and why she hopes her words will inspire others to lend a hand.

"This trip came at a time when I really needed to step away and connect with bigger issues in the world, [and] this trip really touched me in a way I never felt before," Miss Aguilera explains.

Christina continues, "I came home and really wondered about why some people are born to some situations and others are born in a different place. I have to come to terms with a little guilt even for coming home and not doing more."

"The people of Rwanda touched me in a way I cannot express or put into words. They are in a place that needs our help and I am so proud of the work that we are doing there," she adds.

The 32-year-old singer also shares that she couldn't help but think about her 5-year-old son Max during her time with the Rwandan children.

"After the birth of my son, I started looking into causes that touched me as a mother and I was so moved by the work the World Food Programme and Yum did. As a mom, to know that there are kids that go to bed hungry is just not acceptable," she says.

When discussing any plans to return to the country, Christina immediately states, "I know I will go back."

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