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Amanda Bynes in for the Long Haul as Mom Drops her Bid for Conservatorship

She's had a rough summer, but there seems no end in sight for Amanda Bynes' mental health treatment.

Recently, the 27-year-old actress's mother withdrew her petition to get a permanent conservatorship over her troubled daughter.

However, the reason is because the "All That" star is already on an LPS hold, putting her in the care of her doctors, who have already agreed to let her mom make medical and financial decisions for her.

Stepping up to care for her adult daughter, Lynn Organ already placed her in long term care at the UCLA Medical Center.

Meanwhile, Amanda's attorney was in court in New York City on her criminal case where she allegedly threw a bong out the window.

Informing the court that she is still receiving psychiatric treatment, Gerald Shargel asked for a continuance of up to 18 months, according to TMZ.

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