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Zooey Deschanel Talks Love & Divorce in Marie Claire September 2013

With her FOX series "New Girl" nearing it's anticipated season three premiere, Zooey Deschanel garnered herself some added exposure by covering the September 2013 issue of Marie Claire magazine.

While rocking a few poses for lensman Tesh, the "500 Days of Summer" beauty chatted about being bullied during her childhood and dealing with privacy issues after her divorce.

Check out a few highlights from Miss Deschanel's interview below. For more, be sure to visit Marie Claire!

On her struggling childhood benefits:
"A lot of people I knew who didn't struggle, who maybe came from a lot of money or were really pretty - those people actually have a harder time as adults in a way. They didn't even understand what it's like to not be pretty... I'm not saying it's good, I don't think people should be mean to each other, [but] I think it made me stronger."

On her financial record internet postings after her divorce:
"Here's the thing about that. It is the law that you provide financial records and they are public record. A lot of people said my lawyer made a mistake, and I want to say that my lawyer is a great lawyer, and he did not make a mistake. It felt weird, but I feel OK about how I've handles my finances. It felt like a violation, but once you get over it, you go, 'Well, if it's out there, it's out there.'"

On her marriage and divorce lesson:
"I will say this: Whether you're married or not, if you're in a relationship, if you have to wake up every day and say, 'I want to stay with this person.' You have to take the commitment every day and every second and every minute."

On her relationship:
"I will say we got the dogs together and he loves them very much."

On having children:
"I'm not going to answer that question. I'm not mad at you for asking that question, but I've said it before: I don't think people ask men those questions."

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