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Tamar Braxton Admits She Was Too Self-Absorbed to Feel Attached to Her Newborn Baby


After pining for a baby to call her own for so long, it turns out that when the going got tough, Tamar Braxton seriously doubted her maternal instincts.

In an interview with Good Morning America, Tamar confessed that she did initially feel “unattached” to her newborn son, Logan.

“I guess in a sense I did feel unattached because you know, I really, really wanted to connect with him because I wanted to breast-feed. And when he didn’t latch on and when I couldn’t produce milk I just felt like, ‘Is this the wrong child?’ You know what I mean? ‘Am I the wrong mother?’” she said.

Her self-doubt soon morphed into jealousy as she sat on the sidelines and watched her husband bond with their son.

“I was questioning my motherhood. Is this a mistake that God made? Is this something that I need to hand over to my husband? Because he and the baby connected instantly. And I wanted that and I guess I was a little jealous,” Tamar confessed.

Anyone who’s watched Braxton Family Values knows how spoiled and fickle Tamar is, so this behavior really isn’t a surprise. Tamar claims that once her son was able to successfully breastfeed that she naturally fell into her role as a mother, which is great, but it’s a shame that Tamar even put her baby in last place for even one minute.

And while she’s careful to couch her confession with lots of qualifiers and stipulations, you get the sense that she’s throwing those in because she knows that if she gave the whole unvarnished truth about how she felt, she’d be lashed in the press as a bad mother.

Seriously, she couldn’t even be bothered to change her baby’s diapers for a week and a half because of her ice cold persona. As Ms. Tamar herself would say,


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