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James & Kimberly Van Der Beek: Baby on the Way!

He’s already a proud papa to two adorable kiddos, and now James Van Der Beek and his wife Kimberly are gearing up for number three.

According to Kimberly’s blog Old School New Rules, her bun in the oven will be born sometime this winter.

James told press, “I feel ridiculously blessed. I feel so much love, honestly.” And it all started when Kimberly took several pregnancy tests prior to a family vacation.

She explained, “I thought, before I go traveling, maybe I should know how many glasses of wine are appropriate or not.”

And though they tried to keep it a secret, one family member figured it out. James shared, “My mom knew.” Kim added, “She just had a feeling. She even wrote down what she thought would be a due date. Some people knew — my friends call me every pregnancy and say they had a dream that I was pregnant.”

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