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Amber Heard Talks Johnny Depp Relationship in Flare September 2013

She's always avoiding questions about her personal life, but Amber Heard finally touched on her love affair with Johnny Depp in the September 2013 issue of Flare magazine.

During her Q & A session with the publication, the 27-year-old actress quickly chatted about her booming career and discussed the importance of keeping her life of the set private.

Check out a few highlights from Miss Heard's interview below. For more, be sure to visit Flare!

On her relationship with Depp:
"It's not part of my professional life. I want to be an artist. I don't want to be be a celebrity. You can find pictures of me [on the internet] pumping gas, picking up dry cleaning, walking my dog, but nowhere are you going to find pictures of me hanging around at some nightclub... Can you ever imagine yourself in a situation like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie or Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, where the world feels like they have a stake in your private life? I would never want it. I guess I could not holds with who I want to, but what kind of life would that be? I don't want to change just because people are watching. I've always been the person who says what she wants."

On her acting career:
"[The script] doesn't say that these characters are 'sexy.' I'm not picking them because of that. I take roles that are interesting, and scripts that have female characters with Depth. I'm working with what I've got."

On her bisexuality:
"It is so strange to me that everyone cares. Maybe you like blondes now, but maybe you'll be into a brunette in the future. I just don't understand this idea that we have to choose one or the other."

On her upcoming film:
"'Paranoia' was an interesting script.I loved how you're dealing with a lot of old themes like greed and power, but it's such a modern story. My character basically had to be smart enough to manipulate Liam Hemsworth's character. Yes there are sex scenes, but it wasn't like she was falling at his feet."

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