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This Vine of a Lady Screaming in an Apple Store is Scary and Funny, But Mostly Scary

So … apparently, this woman walked into an Apple store, without an appointment, demanding that someone help her. And when she didn’t get the help she requested, she yelled … because that’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re a customer and you don’t get your way, right?



Depending on what side of the fence you’re on though, this lady can either be considered a hero or pure hell; maybe even a little bit of both.

If you’ve ever been to an Apple store to get help for your iPhone only to be turned away because you didn’t set an appointment, or if you’ve taken your MacBook to the Genius Bar for help and found out then and there that liquid damage falls outside of your Apple Care … she’s a hero.

But if you’ve ever worked in the field of customer service, or if you’re an innocent bystander forced to listen to someone like this woman shrieking at the top of their lungs, then yeah, she’s definitely pure hell.

Regardless, I’d hate to be this woman’s husband. :-/

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