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Rihanna Suffers Emotional Breakdown During French Concert

Giving it her all, Rihanna had a hard time getting through her hit song “Stay” while performing in Lille, France over the weekend.

The “Umbrella” babe broke down in tears after she finished the tune and the audience erupted into a deafening round of applause.

Ri-Ri told her fans, “I don’t know what the f*** I’m crying about. I can’t believe this s***. Y’all make me so happy. To stand here and feel the love in this room.”

She also tried to pin her emotions on the fact that she’s wrapping up the current leg of her tour. “The Diamonds tour is nearly coming to an end and I hate this part — I hate saying goodbye.”

But after the gig, Rihanna posted a message to her Instagram account- “I hate it when ex’s say ‘I’m here if you need me.’ Where the f*** were you when we were together and I needed you.”

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