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Rehab Facility Says Lindsay Lohan Needs More Treatment: Judge Agrees

One day after leaving rehab, a judge says Lindsay Lohan needs to return to therapy – to avoid a relapse.

The troubled actress’ attorney provided the court with proof that Lohan completed her treatment at Cliffside Malibu, but during the hearing the judge received a letter from the facility’s CEO and founder. Cliffside Malibu staff recommended that Lohan continue to attend counseling sessions three times a week.

“If these sessions are not required by the court and attendance verified once a month to ensure accountability, it is a set up for almost certain failure,” the letter said.

The judge agreed, and ruled that the "Mean Girls" star can either attend the counseling sessions in person in Los Angeles or log in to them via Skype when she’s out of town.

The actress has until November 6, 2014 to complete both the therapy treatment, and the 30-day community labor portion of her sentence.

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