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Kim Kardashian Attacked on Twitter for Trayvon Martin Statement

Like many people, Kim Kardashian found herself disheartened and upset about the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. So, upon hearing that George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, she tweeted a message of support to the late teen’s family.

And yet, somehow that became a controversial issue — with some pointing out a purported hypocrisy for the daughter of O.J. Simpson’s notorious dream [legal] team talking about injustice.

Sorry, but you’ve got to be a stupid somebody to think the actions of someone’s father has any bearing on the child. How about we judge everyone on the actions of their parents? How many of you would be willing to talk slick about several issues?

That’s what I thought, you damn simpletons.

In the meantime, here’s the story (via Radar):

“My heart goes out to Trayvon Martin’s family & loved ones. Thought & prayers being sent their way. #nojustice,´ the 32-year-old reality star wrote on Twitter shortly after the verdict.

However, the backlash was swift with people slamming her own father, Robert Kardashian, for his part as the defense team that helped get OJ Simpson acquitted of the murders of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in 1995.

“Kim Kardashian tweeted earlier “#nojustice” about the Trayvon case, but her dad was one of the attorneys that got OJ acquitted of murder,” one person pointed out on Twitter.

Robert was part of the “Dream Team” that helped OJ win a not guilty verdict in the trial, but years later even he questioned his client’s innocence.

“I have doubts,” Robert told ABC News. : “The blood evidence is the biggest thorn in my side.”

The attacks continued against Kim for her dad’s participation in the polarizing trial.

“Kim Kardashian tweets in support of Trayvon when her own father helped get OJ Simpson acquitted. This country is full of so many idiots,” another person slammed.

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