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Garrett Hedlund Says No Thanks to “50 Shades” Offer, Ian Somerhalder Rejected

He’s really picky about what roles he’ll take, and Garrett Hedlund reportedly turned down the chance to play Christian Grey in a film trilogy based on the “50 Shades of Grey” book series.

According to an insider, the “On The Road” hunk decided against the gig for several reasons, one of which was the amount of time required.

The source revealed, "Doing a possible trilogy was too big a commitment, and producers wouldn't let him do just one film."

And while Ian Somerhalder told Ryan Seacrest, "It could be very, very amazing. I have the book and I just started reading it. That would be a pretty incredible thing, and hopefully that could pan out . . . Beyond the shadow of a doubt, I think that would be a phenomenal opportunity!" it seems author E.L. James doesn’t want him.

“E.L. was at a Comic-Con party July 20th telling people the part won’t go to Ian,” said an industry spy.

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