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Amanda Bynes Hospitalized, Put on Involuntary Psychiatric Hold After Setting Fire to Elderly Woman’s Driveway

In case you’ve been distracted by things that matter, here’s your obligatory update on Amanda Bynes’ latest WTF moment.

The 27-year-old reportedly checked out of The Ritz-Carlton in New York last Friday, and has traveled back to her hometown of Thousand Oaks, Calif.

It makes sense that Bynes would return home though. After all, she was kicked out of her NYC apartment a few months ago after neighbors complained of her constant pot smoking. Now, Amanda has finally decided to take a breather, get off Twitter, and be with those whom she loves and trusts.

ROFL. Just kidding!

Of course Amanda Bynes was involved in some inexplicable incident that has left us all scratching our heads.

Police apparently found the starlet outside of a local retirement community Sunday after she was turned away by management for being drunk and trespassing.

According to Us Weekly, a cab was called for Bynes but she was let out of the vehicle because she didn’t have enough to pay for the ride, or in her own words, “Get me the fuck out of here … I don’t have any money!”

But wait, it gets better. According to TMZ, Bynes started a fire in an elderly woman’s driveway in the retirement community last night, and police were called to the scene where they decided on the spot that it would be best to get her psychological help.

The site is also reporting that Bynes was seen carrying a red gas can and had burned part of her clothing. The woman whose driveway was set a flame does not know Bynes.

Bynes was later taken to a nearby hospital and place on a 5150 hold, meaning she has been committed to the hospital but can only be kept for 72 hours.

We have a hunch that she needs a lengthier stay but what do we know? If being consistently bat shit crazy and starting fires in stranger’s driveways doesn’t cut the crazy cake, what does?

Hours before she was hospitalized, Bynes was snapped shopping at a nearby Bloomingdales wearing her infamous ratty blond wig what appeared to be a shirt with nothing underneath.

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