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Joel Madden: Ousted from Aussie Hotel for Pot Possession!

Stepping out for his daily duties, Joel Madden caught a limousine ride in Sydney, Australia on Sunday afternoon (June 9).

The Good Charlotte rocker looked a bit grumpy as he tried to avoid the shutterbugs following an embarrassing incident at his hotel earlier in the day.

Via his Tumblr account, Madden shared, "Sunday while I was at work, a hotel employee found a small amount of marijuana in my hotel room."

"The police were called and responded. Sydney is my adopted home and I appreciate the way the NSW police handled the situation. They have informed me there will be no charges. I hope this didn't cause too much drama for anyone."

A manager over at the Darling Hotel told press, “Joel Madden was ejected from the hotel because a small amount of cannabis was found inside his hotel room. In Australia there is a 0 tolerance for this no matter where you are."

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