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Ashley Tisdale Granted Three-Year Restraining Order Against Alleged Stalker

Personally making sure that she and her boyfriend are safe, Ashley Tisdale attended a court hearing in Los Angeles to ask for a long-term restraining order against her alleged stalker on Wednesday (June 5).

After threatening the "High School Musical" star and her beau Christopher French with over 18,000 tweets and showing up at her home, Nicholas Fiore was charged with felony stalking.

At the hearing, the 27-year-old actress told the judge, "I know that he's been tweeting me and has come to my house several times," and that he recently violated the temporary restraining order by contacting her via Facebook.

The judge granted her request and Fiore must stay at least 100 yards away from the pair for the next three years. Following her day in court, Ashley tweeted, "Today is a great day :)." Check out the video of the hearing, courtesy of TMZ.

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