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Move Over, Sweet Brown! Charles Ramsey Is the New Antoine Dodson


Are you ready, world? Another viral video star has been born from the ashes of the black, impoverished and unpolished side of America.

Charles Ramsey has been proclaimed a hero by many for his role in freeing three women in Cleveland from kidnapping and imprisonment.

But what’s really getting everyone’s attention isn’t his intervention in saving the women’s lives, it’s his wide-eyed, tactless and ebonics-peppered speech that has everyone in stitches. Well, that and his really bad perm. (Seriously, he needs some haircare advice from B. Scott)

Gawker’s Max Read called Ramsey “hilarious.” As evidence, see exhibit A when he says, “I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms. Dead giveaway. DEAD giveaway.”

So you know what happens with a lower-income black person something WILD and CRAZY on the news, right? We have to autotune that shit!

Oooh, oooh, oooh! And don’t forget the memes.



Yep. The Internet has a formula and it’s sticking to it.

I guess we needed another Antoine Dodson anyway, since Antoine renounced his homosexuality and converted to a strict religious sect.

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